The author behind the Naruto series, Masashi Kishimoto, created the character Madara Uchiha, to be a powerful villain who would stand against the series’ central character, Naruto Uzumaki; He has also appeared in the Boruto series. Madara’s voice is as powerful as his character; it’s deep and calm, breathy, slow and described as having an ASMR quality. He also sounds extremely intelligent, dangerous, and confident.
Keep In Mind Madera’s Best-Known Qualities
Madara Uchiha is widely regarded as the greatest villain in the Naruto series. He is highly charismatic as a villain and a firm believer in how he wants things to go. He is unchangeable and an intelligent tactician.
Madara Uchiha loves himself and would never forsake his vision for anything, his self-esteem is concrete, and he lives so much in the present. To voice such a villain, you must:
- Believe you are never wrong; your ideas are always right
- Speak clearly
- Exude unwavering self-confidence
- Love yourself as Madera loves himself
Even if you are just voice acting, you must maintain confident body language to create a confident-sounding voice as your body affects your sound. Madara Uchiha embodies confidence in his voice and posture, so it makes sense to adopt a similar stance to move the airflow through your respiratory system.
Neil Kaplan’s natural voice is deep, but not as deep as Madara’s. You will notice that Kaplan’s Madara voice impression has a slight British, cut glass accent, so he pronounces his words clearly and carefully, in a way characteristic of someone from a high social class.
Make Your Voice Deeper
Neil Kaplan recalled being struck by the confidence and calmness of the voice of Naoya Uchida, who was voicing Madara in Japanese. Kaplan was asked to give his version in English and focused on reflecting the stability and arrogance of the villain; he also wanted to exude an air of “I know something you don’t, and I’m going to act on it.” So he gives a sense of authority.
A deep voice tone will project the most authority. Even if you already have a deep tone to your voice, you can enhance it by practicing several exercises. Vocal exercises will help you achieve a deeper and more appealing voice. The following tips should help deepen your voice:
- Humming
- Yawning
- Breathing through your diaphragm
- Stretching your upper body
- Adopt a good and confident posture
- Speak slowly
Breathing is essential to help you speak at an appropriate speed. Breathing from the diaphragm is necessary for sounding more profound and powerful. It allows the air to flow in and out more easily. Work on your breathing and relax before speaking as relaxed breathing will make you sound more confident.
Good breathwork also allows the vocals to resonate better in your body as they fill more cavities resulting in a lower-registered voice.
Breathing helps you slow down what you’re saying, which is critical as rushing your sentences gives the impression that you don’t want to waste other people’s time and you don’t believe in what you are saying. Sentences must be well-structured and to the point to be better understood.
Emphasize Verbal Communication
One of the most impactful ways to sound more authoritative and confident is to develop an emphasis in your speech. To acquire this, loudly pronounce the words that matter the most to you. It also helps to pause before saying a key sentence in your address.
You must be able to express your message clearly, as a clear message projects the authority you wish to obtain. To say your words fluently, you must:
- Control your breathing
- Pronounce sentences slowly
- Structure sentences in a straightforward manner
Sound Intelligent
Eloquent people will always sound smart, regardless of their intelligence. Thankfully, eloquence can be taught, practiced, and perfected. Consider the following 5 tips to master sounding more intelligent:
1. Sit Or Stand With A Straight But Relaxed Spine
Body language is critical to sound more eloquent. Your back’s position is the foundation of your body language and at the root of sounding more eloquent. Slouching communicates a lack of confidence in your words.
2. Keep Your Chin Up
Hold your head up high to show pride and determination. An upright head helps to sound more confident.
3. Speak Loudly Enough To Be Heard
You want to speak loud enough for the people furthest away to hear you but not so loudly that the people in front of you feel uncomfortable.
4. Speak At Different Speeds
You want to avoid a monotonous drone, so slow down and speed up according to the importance of what you are expressing at the time.
5. Use Pauses To Create Emphasis
A slight pause before you speak can create suspense, resulting in your audience hanging on to your every word. A delay after you have said something important gives your listeners a moment to reflect on the importance of what you’ve said.