
11 Exercises to Improve Vocal Articulation

Vocal articulation can be improved by performing voice exercises such as tongue twisters, humming, yawning, and tongue rolls. Exaggerating mimics, over-articulation and self-recording will help to further develop an articulate voice. Repeat tongue twisters to improve your pronunciation Tongue twisters are great for improving pronunciation. They are hard to pronounce combinations of words; if you […]

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Rode Procaster Dynamic Broadcast Microphone Review (Good Value Mic)

Rode Procaster is the fourth microphone that I have ever purchased. I have been using it for almost two years now and this is a short and honest first-hand review. Rode Procaster is a dynamic, cardioid pattern, end addressed, broadcast, XLR microphone. It will require an interface and XLR cable and won’t plug into your

Rode Procaster Dynamic Broadcast Microphone Review (Good Value Mic) Read More »