

How to Make Audio Sound Muffled in Adobe Audition?

You can make your audio sound muffled using a built-in equalizer in Adobe Audition. Muffled audio contains more of the lower-end frequencies as these are much better capable of passing through objects compared to higher-end frequencies. Therefore, we’ll cut out higher-end frequencies using an equalizer to achieve a muffled audio quality such that you would

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How to Create a Walkie-Talkie Sound Effect in Audacity?

It’s easy to create a walkie-talkie sound effect in Audacity using its built-in equalizer. Walkie-talkies lack lower-end and higher-end frequencies and emphasize the mid part of the frequency graph. This causes walkie-talkies to sound of lower audio quality, however, by maintaining mid frequencies which are responsible for the clarity of your audio walkie-talkies are still

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How to Make Your Voice Sound Higher in Adobe Audition?

You can utilize Pitch Shifter and Equalizer tools to make your voice sound higher in Adobe Audition. You’ll achieve the most significant change with the Pitch Shifter effect. It’s designed to alter your voice so it can sound completely different than what it was originally. On the other hand, using Equalizer, you’re usually aiming to

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